Cowgirl Blues: The Gold Standard in Indie Yarn Dyers

Have you heard of Cowgirl Blues–an extraordinary group indie yarn dyers based out of Cape Town, South Africa. What makes them so extraordinary?

Here are the top 3 reasons why they are AMAZING!

The #1 Reason Cowgirl Blues is Incredible

In a country with an unemployment rate of 29% and a history of racial oppression, Bridget Henderson, owner and founder of Cowgirl Blues, strives to create fulfilling employment for unemployed women of color.

Cowgirl Blues has a family-like atmosphere in which women are encourage to learn and grow, to speak up and ask questions. It’s a positive and uplifting environment that strive to empowering all women who walk through those doors.

I take my hat off to these 5 incredible indie yarn dyers who are supporting themselves and their families with skills that they’ve learned to master and love.

I feel like I could end the post right there, but we can’t forget the yarn!

2: The Incomparable Cowgirl Blues Yarn Bases

The yarn they use is made from wool and mohair sourced right there in South Africa. It’s cleaned and milled nearby and some of their product is even locally handspun.

I didn’t know this, but South Africa produces more than half of the mohair used around the world! They are also producers of gorgeously soft merino wool. And when I say soft, I mean SOFT. This stuff is like knitting with butter. (Be on the lookout on January 19th for a fabulous new pattern coming your way!)

From fluffy kidsilk lace to a sumptuous single ply Aran, Cowgirl Blues indie dyed yarns run the gamut. And trust me, you’ll want to knit them all!

Better still, you can! They sell 5 to 20 g minis so that you can test every solid color and yarn style.

3: Last But Very, Very Far from Least: The Colors

Dang. I mean, DANG!

They’re saturated and yet still subtle. Cool and yet full of warmth.

When I reached out to Bridget about a collaboration and she told me to take my pick, I didn’t know where to begin! (Seriously, we had to have a video chat and follow up emails!)

Cowgirl Blues splits their colors into two categories: solids and multis.

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The solids are stunning. They have the depth of a slight tonal and run the range of “ooo that’s bright” to understated elegance. They cross the rainbow and hit every neural you could want… and have I mentioned you’ll want them all?

Then there are the multis. These are fun in every sense of the word from the gorgeous mix of variegated colors that make you wonder “why have I never seen that combination before?” to the fabulous speckles you’ll be dying to fade to wonderfully hilarious names of female stars from the 90’s and beyond. Why yes, I will take a sweater quantity of Tina Turner, thanks!

Cowgirl Blues is Something Special

If you can’t tell, I’m a big fan of Cowgirl Blues. And I think you will be too—not just for the scrumptious yarn and stunning colors, but for how this company is raising up women—a calling very close to my heart.

So go support these awesome indie yarn dyers (and your stash) by checking out their amazing yarn. (And if you have a moment come back and tell me if you could choose a favorite color, because I think it’s mission impossible!)

Cowgirl Blues: The Gold Standard in Indie Yarn DyersCowgirl Blues: The Gold Standard in Indie Yarn DyersCowgirl Blues: The Gold Standard in Indie Yarn DyersCowgirl Blues: The Gold Standard in Indie Yarn Dyers
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