How Much Does It Cost to Knit a Sweater?

You’re ready to tackle the big one, but before you dive in, you need to know how much does it cost to knit a sweater?
It’s a complicated answer, but I’ll get you started with a ballpark cost in a few different price ranges. Then I’ll dive into how to get the exact numbers using the yarn and pattern you choose!
Troubleshooting 101: How to Fix a Dropped Stitch In Knitting

Are you trying to fix a dropped stitch in knitting? Look no further! This no-fuss guide explains how to quickly and easily fix the problem.
5 Tips for a Fun Fiber Arts Festival Visit

For an unforgettable experience at a fiber arts festival, follow these 5 simple tips to maximize visit and have an awesome time!
Behind the Scenes: How CERF+ Helped Me Level Up

Never heard of CERF+? Six months ago, I would’ve said the same. But if you’re a designer or artist, they’re a game changer. Let me tell you how.
Which is Easier: Knitting or Crocheting?

You’re ready to pick up a hobby. You want something easy and portable that doesn’t have a high buy in. You have Pinterest boards full of gorgeous patterns and now you’re left with one question: Which is easier, knitting or crocheting?
That’s a great question, and one we’ll try to answer, but there are a few other factors you should strongly consider before picking your path.
P1b & K1b in Knitting Explained + Easy Photo Tutorial

What is knit 1 below (k1b) and how do you do it? It’s simple! Check out this easy tutorial for k1b in knitting and purl 1 below (p1b) too!
Crafting Time: The Best Way to Find & Enjoy It

Learn the little known key to always finding and making crafting time. Plus get 15+ easy tips to start stealing mini crafting moments today!
Ultimate Guide To Provisional Cast On: 4 Easy Methods

If you don’t like provisional cast ons, you may be doing it wrong! Fall in love with a new provisional cast on–photo tutorials for 4 types insid